Monday, June 14, 2010

Sneak Peek of Designs to Come

Fine Silver Wrapped Setting in the Raw

This little silver wrapped gem will be hitting the shelves of Birch Beer Boutique soon in various forms - rings, earrings, necklaces, all shapes sizes and stones. 


  1. How about knuckle-dusters?? Just joking- I'll be visiting to see what it turns into- I'm intruiged, I know nothing about metals/ gems/ or the sorts of items you design!

  2. thanks for the visit! i feel the same way about knitting and sewing (i'm a hopeless lefty).

    what's funny heckety is that i was working on a little knuckle duster in this style last week. great minds...;) its a fantastic idea but so much more difficult than expected. i'll be posting my experiments and explaining the process a bit as the better ones emerge.


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